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Results of the first year of mapping


As the end of the field-season is approaching we summarised results of the first year of operation. During this year we received 4061 observation data from 178 registered observer. Data was shared with us from all over the country, and even beyond our borders, but the most came from and around Budapest. This is not an artifact, as we handled Budapest as selected region, where we were actively looking for volunteer observers.

All native species were represented in the first year's data set. Green true frogs were the leaders in the amphibian species, while the wall lizard was the most common reptile species, according to our observations. Time distribution of the data depends on the activity of the amphibians and reptiles, thus the peak periods are in April-May and September.





Observations in 2011

Distribution of reptile species recorded in 2011

Time distribution of observations in 2011

Distribution of amphibian species recorded in 2011