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Best photo records of 2017


We awarded our most active users on our end of the year meeting. We selected 50 best photos, awarding 3 best of best pictures, and the one capturing the most interesting moment. The pictures taken during our meeting can be seen by clicking here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/PkzN8iP3BtTw0FSz1


Here are the awarded people of 2017:

Most valid records, most records with photo, most area covered: Wenner Bálint
2nd most records and photo: Hankószki Ágota
Most active user, registered in 2017: Pintér Zsolt


Best photo of 2017: Bauer Bea - Green lizard portrait
2nd best shot: Halász Alexandra - Common toad in water
3rd best shot: Ábrahám Imre - European adder on a rock
Most interesting moment: Szőke Viktória -Basking Chinese softshell turtle


Selection of 50 best photos can be seen by clicking here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/PkzN8iP3BtTw0FSz1